Who are we? 

Future4care brings together manufacturers and startups in a unique ecosystem to develop cutting-edge digital solutions. Its ambition is to accelerate progress in healthcare and build the healthcare system for future generations.

In concrete terms, Future4care is:

  • A 6,500m2 collaborative space in the heart of Paris, where entrepreneurs, executives from major groups, healthcare professionals, university professors and patient associations.

  • A branch office in Berlin offering the German market Future4care's services to startups and partners.

  • A qualified network of over 150 multidisciplinary experts and VCs.

  • A Scientific and Ethical Board made of 32 renowned personalities from a variety of academic backgrounds.

f4c office photo
  • A team committed to creating value for Future4care members structured around 3 business clusters:

  • The Accelerator supports the most promising scale ups in AI and Healthtech.

  • The Institute is a forward-looking center for discussion comprising a conference circle, a think tank and an Academy, a place dedicated to sharing and learning.

  • The Innovation Factory, dedicated to open innovation between startups and major groups in the ecosystem.

The whole of this multidisciplinary ecosystem shares a common goal: to work hand in hand to accelerate the adoption of AI and progress in digital health.

Our key figures

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50+Events a year focusing on tomorrow's healthcare
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63Startups have joined Future4care since its creation, 50 of which are currently in the program.
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32Members of the Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board

"Innovating for care: the digitalcommitment"

Agnès De Leersnyder photo

I deeply believe in the ability of digital innovation to transform our healthcare system. Healthcare is a fundamental right, and our collective duty is to constantly seek to modernize and improve this system, which, although efficient, can and must evolve.

Digital technology and artificial intelligence are powerful levers to respond to contemporary challenges: demographic, technological and economic. They don't just enable us to improve care; they are the means by which we can reclaim it.

Let's commit ourselves to using digital technology to give patients more opportunities, by revolutionizing pharmaceutical research and treatment development. Numerous applications such as robot-chemists or in silico simulations are accelerating not only the discovery of new molecules, but also their clinical evaluation. This reduces research time and means that innovative treatments, perfectly adapted to patients' needs, can be made available sooner. Digital technology, which also promotes early diagnosis and improves treatment follow-up, must be at the heart of our strategy to transform healthcare in France and Europe.

Let's commit to saving time for caregivers by offering them tools that facilitate their work and free up medical time. This includes intelligent systems that support diagnosis and treatment management, enabling more effective patient care.

Let's commit to helping caregivers, who are often on the front line, by providing them with digital solutions that facilitate the exchange of information, better coordination of care and simplifying their daily lives. It is also by supporting those who help that we strengthen our healthcare system.

We can't let digital technology at the door of healthcare. We need to bring digital and AI into our healthcare system, to protect our health and our sovereignty! This must be a priority. The cost of inaction is the worst cost we can pay. It's a health, human and financial cost. It's a cost for the long term and, in reality, a debt without a due date. To preserve our healthcare system and our financing model, to strengthen the confidence of all stakeholders, and to prevent healthcare inequalities from worsening, we need to invest not only in the development of digital solutions, but also in their integration, and in the modernization of healthcare IT. The technologies are here, in France, along with the talent!

Future4Care, born of the alliance between Orange, Sanofi, Generali and Capgemini, embodies this commitment. We are a driving force for innovation, thanks to our gas pedal, our scientific advisory board and our institute, which together form an innovation ecosystem that is unique in Europe.

Join us in our mission to transform our healthcare system through digital technology. Together, let's promote a healthcare democracy that relies on scientific progress to guarantee the best possible health for everyone, whatever their origin or social position.

Board members

Discover Future4care Germany

Cyril Garcia
Capgemini Group Executive Board Member | Global Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility HeadCapgemini
Laurent Frigara
Co-founder & Deputy CEOEnovacom
Pius Hornstein
Global Head Digital Global Business UnitsSanofi
Cyril François
Executive Vice President - Global Sales Officer, Financial ServicesCapgemini
Philippe Peyre
Senior Vice Président, General SecretarySanofi
Jérome Berger
Head of Group Strategy and Venture CapitalOrange
Karim Bouchema
Member of the Executive Committee, in charge of Information Systems, Operations, Purchasing and Real EstateGenerali
Constance Boulot
Director of La MédicaleGenerali

Our team

AgnèsDe Leersnyder
Agnès De Leersnyder photo
Thomas Ballay photo
Chief of Staff
Clarissa Guengant
Vice President Partnerships & Alliances
Yannick Menel photo
Country Manager France
Jeanne Tieu Benichou photo
Institute Director
Justine Spitzer photo
Communications Manager
Alejandro David Zamora photo
CRM - CMS Administrator
Antony Ruaux photo
Audiovisual Project Manager
Claire Patouillet
Academy Manager
Estefanía'Nia' Escobar-Kölle
Nia Escobar Kölle photo
Innovation Manager Germany
Guillaume Lacourcelle photo
Head of Event
Guillaume Limonier photo
Head of Finance
Ines Maury photo
Institute Project Manager
Katherine Ossenkopp photo
Country Manager Germany
Laura thioly photo
Office Sales Manager
Robin Eggertgriscelli photo
Startup Manager
Romane Dorado Doncel photo
Accelerator Project Manager
Tak Wai Wang photo
Partnerships Project Manager
CharlotteWander Minier
Charlotte Wander Minier
Executive Assistant

A European ambition

Since its creation, Future4care has had a strong pan-European ambition.

We support startups from all over Europe, and work every day to promote their development through our members' international network. We are committed to doing everything in our power to create European champions in digital healthcare.

Our European ambitions have taken shape with the opening of our first flagship in Germany in 2023.

Paris and Berlin side to side

The power of the Future4care ecosystem is based on three major pillars.

A startups Accelerator

We support the most promising startups and scale-ups in Healthtech with a tailor-made support program designed to help them successfully scale up.

An Institute

Through events, a think tank and a training program, we study the major trends and issues shaping tomorrow's healthcare.

An Innovation Factory

We support our members (startups, partners and founders) so that they can benefit from the full wealth of our ecosystem. Through unique formats, we encourage the right people to meet at the right time, so that virtuous alliances are created between our members.

biopark building

Ready to join us?

By becoming a member of Future4care, you join the ecosystem where tomorrow's healthcare is being created.