04 Mar 2022

How can digital technology improve women's health?

Articles & Content

Today, Future4care would like to promote an important topic, which is being addressed and highlighted by our partner, Galen Growth.

To mark International Women's Day, we'd like to promote the report 'Women's health in digital health', produced by Galen Growth.

Published on March 04th, 2022 at 10:31 am

At Future4care, we wanted to know more, so we interviewed Sara Schmachtenberg, Head of Data and Analytics for Europe and the US, at Galen Growth.  

Here, we share the 5 key insights from this report and the key figures that emerge from it. At the end of this article, you will find the link to the full report, as well as a link to the full interview with Sara Schmachtenberg.   

  1. Significance of women's health in digital health, for Galen Growth  

  2. State of business growth  

  3. Company financing  

  4. Solutions on the market  

  5. The market in the next few years  


Now, let's take these insights even further, with the help of a few key figures:  

  • Galen Growth's current definition of women's health includes: Obstetrics, women's oncology, women's sexual health, gynecology, women's fertility, hormonal health (including menopause).  

  • The volume of global digital health companies focused on women's health is growing at a CAGR of 12% over 5 years, twice as fast as the overall digital health company growth of 6%.  

  • Total funding for women's health-focused digital health companies in 2021 was $3.75 billion.  

  • 25% of women's health-focused digital health companies develop solutions in medical diagnostics, making them the leading group.  (Patient and wellness solutions occupy 2nd and 3rd place with 15% and 10%, respectively).  

  • What's next? The growing maturity of companies and the abundance of venture capital will lead to an increasing number of acquisitions within women's health-focused digital health companies in 2022 and beyond.  


This report demonstrates the growing importance of women's health in digital health.  

At Future4care, we're keen to support initiatives like this, which is why we're supporting various startups dedicated to women's health in particular. 

Now we're looking forward to the next report.  

Here's the link to the long version of the interview.

More info and full report here:


Health / medico-social / socialdigital health / technology
Articles & Content